Victim's Dad Vows to Murder Child Killer Michael Woodmansee if He Gets Out

July 2024 ยท 2 minute read

March 8, 2011— -- Michael Woodmansee was convicted of murder and sentenced to 40 years in prison in 1983 for the killing of 5-year-old Jason Foreman.

Rhode Island police, who spent years searching for Foreman's body, eventually found the boy's shellacked skull and bones in Woodmansee's South Kingston home. Woodmansee later confessed to the murder.

To the fury of Foreman's father, Woodmansee, who is now 52, is set to be released from prison in August, 12 years before his prison sentence is complete. He is getting out early for good behavior.

The prospect of an early release has enraged John Foreman, Jason's father.

"I will kill him if he is released," John Foreman told a radio interviewer at ABC News radio affiliate WPRO in Providence this week. "The man is a monster."

Jason's mother, Joice, died in 2000.

The early release is "shocking," Superior Court Judge Susan E. McGuirl told the Providence Journal. McGuirl was a state prosecutor in 1983 and agreed to the plea deal that avoided a trial, which could have handed Woodmansee a life sentence.

"Certainly there would not have been any anticipation of him getting out in 28 years," McGuirl told the paper.

"All of those involved knew that the defendant would be released at some time," a statement from McGuirl read in part. "We discussed with the Foreman family the defendant's possible release on parole or good time. We did not anticipate due to the condition of the defendant that he would be able to earn the maximum good-time credit."

Foreman told WPRO, "He should have gotten a life sentence, but stupidly I allowed a plea bargain to go so I wouldn't have to put up with the agony of hearing all the evidence at the time."

The details of the Woodmansee case are gruesome.

According to police reports, in the spring of 1975 Woodmansee, then 16, lured Jason Foreman into his house where he stabbed him in the chest with a kitchen knife.

Woodmansee, who lived up the street from the Foreman home, placed the body in a plastic bag and took it into the basement, eventually wrapping the remains in a rug and burying them in a trunk.

Despite one of the largest search details in Rhode Island history, encompassing hundreds of volunteers from several states, years would pass before Foreman's body was found.
