Men'Thar-The Lost Patriarch | EN World Tabletop RPG News & Reviews

July 2024 ยท 2 minute read
As the 5 men stand there, all with their various looks, the massive arched doors of the Golden Citadel slowly open, a loud crackling sound emitting through the silent plaza as a small figure, small compared to the door at least emerges, slowly crossing the long marble bridge towards you.

About 2 minutes later, he comes fully into view. A medium sized man, a Human from the looks, garbed in a pure purple robe with a large red cross emblazoned on his chest. Long blonde hair flows down his shoulders, with a golden ring on his left hand. As he enters the Plaza, he stands in the center, about an equal distance from all of you as he slowly glances around, his blue eyes sharply examining each man. As he lays eyes on the sleeping dwarf, he softly chuckles and begins speaking.

"Greetings all! You have come from far and wide, from various races and walks of life. Two Dwarves, a Human, a Half-Elf, and even a legendary Sea-Elf, all gather together in the mighty realm of Skyrium. You may have your diffrences now, but I tell you, eventually you will come to respect one another, that I can assure you. Now if you will follow me inside, I shall explain everything to you."

With that, the Wizard turns and begins to hastily walk back across the bridge towards the massive citadel.
